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Join date: Jun 5, 2023


I am Alison Harris Welcher and I am a full-time, working mom, community leader and boss in many areas of my life. I love to travel, weekend activities with my family, my Peloton app, binge watching romcoms on Netflix, and learning ways to improve all aspects of my life.

I created Thrive Life Coaching to help professional women succeed in all areas of life through life’s various seasons and transitions.

As a coach for Black professional working moms, I seek to help them achieve their goals in all areas of life.

For close to 20 years, I have coached and developed teachers and school leaders to improve their skills in K-12 education in service of students. Through that experience, I’ve developed a passion for helping people to live their best lives personally and professionally. I now want to help professional women.

As seasons change, so do we. Each stage of our life calls us to assess where we are, and where we want to go. However, we must not forget to LIVE in the season. This service will help you to live your best life NOW, no matter what season you are in. I'm excited for us to meet and begin together as TLC Mamas!

Dr. Alison Harris Welcher

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